
Submitted on 2021-11-22 16:00:00

活動單位 Department

National Taiwan University Molecular Imaging Center

時間 Time

2021.12.19 (SUN)

地點 Place


內容 Content

目前疫情趨緩,分子影像中心擬於1101219(日)以線上方式進行Biomedical Molecular Imaging 2021 (BMI 2021) 11屆分子生醫影像學術研討會。本次會議演講將透過會議視訊軟體進行,擬藉本次研討會促進中心與國內外相關領域專家(邀請國外專家參與,名單將盡速公布)合作及交流,以期提高各成員跨領域合作機會,發表主題依各中心實驗室研究成果為主(其它相關主題也歡迎),並歡迎所屬實驗室學生投稿參與線上海報競賽,本次會議不須收取費用,歡迎踴躍參與!

Welcome Message

Welcome to the Biomedical Molecular Imaging 2021! We are pleased to have you join the meeting, and share with us your recent progress in biomedical and molecular imaging.

The conference is the 11th annual symposium of the National Taiwan University Molecular Imaging Center (NTU MIC). This annual symposium has been held since the establishment of NTU MIC in 2011. The aim of the meeting is to create networking opportunities for exchanging research results and to stimulate new ideas. The topic of the meeting this year is not limited.

We would like to thank you for your participation and sincerely hope that you will enjoy this event. We look forward to meeting with you during the meeting to further strengthen our ties of future collaboration.



  • 110118日(一)開放線上報名(包含投稿者及一般與會者)及投稿 線上報名連結 Manuscript Template (Word)
  • 110126日(一)下午5時 報名及投稿截止
  • 110127日(二)預計當日寄送會議連結通知單
  • 請多加利用email提供演講稿件,投稿信箱:Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它

For further information & inquiries



E-mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它


  • Imaging Probes


  Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  Positron Emission Tomography Imaging

  Optical Imaging

  Photo-Acoustic Imaging

  Ultrasound Imaging

  Infrared Imaging

  Electron Microscope Imaging

  • Technology

  Bio-engineering / Materials

  Nano Medicine


  Optical Imaging

  Photo-Acoustic Imaging

  Ultrasound Imaging

  Raman Spectroscopy

  THz Spectroscopy


  PET/Preclinical PET

  • Not Limited

Conference Venue


Conference Program

BMI 2021 Symposium Agenda (PDF file) (←Click the link)